
Monday, April 30, 2012

Love is a Sacrifice

Cliche? Before, that phrase sounded "corny" to me. I even thought that love is not sacrifice, love is supposed to be happiness and joy and everything sweet and nice. But now I realized, yes love is in fact a sacrifice..

If you are truly in love it is impossible for you not to make any form of sacrifice, just like Jesus Christ. He left the comfort of His Kingdom, and went on earth to live a lowly life as a carpenter's son. Live a very common environment, far from the glory of His Father. But what made Him go to earth just to be crucified and mocked? It was love. And because of His crazy love for you and me He sacrificed His own life, just to you His life.

What I love the most is that He doesn't require you to do the same, you don't need to suffer or die. All you have to do is to love Him back and love others too. You see, if you love Him, you'll sacrifice a few minutes of Facebook and talk to Him. If you love your wife or husband, you'll sacrifice a few nights out with friends to be with him/her. If you love your child you'll sacrifice not to buy that expensive shoes or clothes just to provide for his needs.

Ah yes, the crazy thing about love. So many people profess to have experienced it, but sometimes fail to profoundly know the real meaning.