If not for my father's persuasion I wouldn't have voted yesterday.
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6142/5922030759_0eb61a616f_m.jpg |
But because of her persistence I gave in and cast my votes. I told friends that I would not vote because I do not want to choose the lesser evil but I ate my words and yes, chose the "lesser evil" that I know and 'hoped' for the best.
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4058/4446461866_2a2822cd2d_m.jpg |
With the results of the poll coming out I am really frustrated. Really, I thought Filipinos became smarter voters already? When will we ever learn?
But what's done is done.
Instead of making this a big issue as it already is, let's just make the best out of it as responsible Filipinos. After all, we can't really totally depend on the government for each of our problems.
Each Filipino has his own responsibility. That responsibility does not end on casting a vote. If you think that Philippines will prosper because you made a vote yesterday your totally wrong, dude.
Change does not come to lazy, pessimistic, blame-the-government-attitude people. Change comes to those who continue to chase their dream, to the hardworking, to the optimistic and to the people who do their part to be a true Filipino.
So, what is a true Filipino? You tell me.