
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Heath is Wealth

Why such a title? You see, when you just gotten out of sick bed you begin to appreciate more you health and begin to realize once more that yes, health is wealth.

I have been sick last week so I didn't get the chance (or should I say the inspiration) to write anything on my blog. As much as I may have wanted to my body would not just let me. So I took the time to rest and made use of the time "pondering" on things. I realize just now that when I was sick, I pray more often especially when I feel my body temperature rise. The hardest part I guess is when I had fever and chills, yay!

I now learn to appreciate more and take care of my health. Honestly, I had taken this for granted for quite some time. Now every time I wake up I thank the Lord that I am well and healthy. ;) And you know what, it's better to thank God for each of your senses, and better yet your organs. Think about you life if you cannot see, feel or hear? By appreciating your senses and your organs you begin to think that you are really lucky. I hear people complain about this and that, by counting your health blessings you will learn that you have a lot of things to be grateful of and begin to count yourself as lucky.

Some people work hard, so hard that they neglect their health. And when they have the money they find out that they have some sort of diseases and then pay a fortune just to take back their heath. Quite ironic isn't it? So love yourself, love your body. Know that you are already on the first step on getting rich-by taking care of yourself. Because health is wealth. :)

Thanks for reading! xoxo