Even if you clean your face but not your makeup tools then the dirt on your brushes can transfer to your face which can cause you some breakouts or worse-infection. I clean my makeup brushes daily with a makeup brush cleanser and sanitizer and wash them with soap and water once a week. The tricky part is how to dry your brushes.
Some people dry their makeup brush by laying them on a flat surface. This is what I also used to do until I watched a video of Michelle Phan-a Youtube makeup guru. The secret in Michelle's technique is none other than, drum roll please-the Law of Gravity.
Pretty clever, huh. Well, of course you know that what comes up must go down so same is true with the water in your brushes. If you lay your brushes on a flat surface chances are some of the water on the hair will find their way to the glued part where the hair and the handle is connected. In time this will ruin your precious makeup brush. So to solve this, you can hang your brushes on a clothespin to allow the water to go down-away from the handle and allow gravity to do the trick.
You can watch Michelle Phan's video on how to clean your makeup brush to see her do this technique.
So there. Go grab your makeup brush and try this one! :)