
Sunday, June 3, 2012

When God Doesn't Make Any Sense

This was the title of the Pastor's sermon yesterday. I was quite inspired so I decided to make a blog post out of it according to how I have understood the sermon. :)

Throughout the Bible we can read stories where God does not seem to make any sense. Like when Gideon led an army of 300 men against the thousands of Midianite soldiers. Like when Israelites where commanded to march around the city of Jericho for six days, and on the seventh day march around the walled city seven times. Like when God asked Abraham to offer His son as a sacrifice.

But notice that when God doesn't seem to make any sense, in the end it makes sense at all. Like Gideon, he only had 300 men but they defeated the Midianites using the element of surprise. They sounded their trumpets and shouted for victory and lighted their torches as they surrounded the Midianite camp. The Midianites where fast asleep during the middle of the night when Gideon's team did this so the Midianites where quite surprised they thought they were being attacked. They ended up attacking each other. Quite a story huh.(Judges 7:1-25)

When God asked the Israelites to march outside the walls of Jericho, on the seventh day the wall colllapsed! I don't know how it happened but it did, giving the Israelites the sweet victory. (Joshua 6:1-27).

When God asked Abraham to offer his son as a sacrifice, He stopped Him in the end and showed him a ram as his sacrifice. So Abraham ended up not sacrificing his son.

Stop and think about your life. When did God seem to doesn't make any sense in your life? If you're in that situation right now, have faith and be glad. It will make sense in the end. We just don't see it right away because "Your thoughts are not my thoughts, neither are your ways my ways". (Isaiah 55:8) We don't think like God because we are not Him. Our mortal minds cannot fathom His immortal wisdom that's why sometimes we fail to understand. In the end, we will eventually grasp His point as the pieces fall into their right places.

In His wisdom, and in His time, it will surely make sense.

Hey, I'm not a Pastor so I can't express this idea thoroughly but I'm sure you got the point. :)